Youth News

Gov. Holcomb, DWD host 2023 JAG Indiana Career Development Conference
JAG Indiana builds talent pipeline for high school students
INDIANAPOLIS (March 21, 2023) - Governor Eric J. Holcomb and the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) held the 2023 State Career Development Conference Friday, March 17. An annual event for Hoosier high school students enrolled in Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) to participate in competitive events that highlight the employability skills they have learned through the program.

Sullivan JAG Career Fair
On March 15th, the Sullivan High School JAG Students hosted a Career Fair for their fellow students.
The JAG students organized the event and invited local employers, representatives of the Armed Forces as well as local Colleges to participate.

2023 JAG Career Development Conference
On Friday January 20th, Region 7 held its annual JAG Career Development Conference. Approximately 200 students from the nine JAG programs in our region came to the Ivy Tech Terre Haute campus to compete against their fellow JAG students.
The students competed in competitions that utilize the skills and lessons that they have been learning throughout the year. In addition to competing, the students were able to meet their fellow students, network with the judges and hear information about Ivy Tech Community College.