Accessibility Tools

Whether it is to address the hiring needs of our local employers or providing informational workshop, WorkOne works with our community to provide those resources.

Manufacturing Cluster

The Manufacturing Cluster is a partnership of local Manufacturers, local Education providers and WorkOne.  This partnership was formed to improve the labor pool available to our local Manufacturers through increased awareness and education.  For more information about the Manufacturing Cluster please contact Mike Smith at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Machining Group Sub Committee

The Machining Group sub-committee was formed as part of the Manufacturing Cluster to address the specific needs employers specializing in Machining.  For more information about the Machining Group please contact Mike Smith at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Unemployment Insurance Laws & Regulations

Periodically, WorkOne sponsors an educational event for area employers.  The event features speakers who highlight changes to the Unemployment Regulations and who are available to assist employers individually.  If you would like to be invited to our next event, please contact Mike Smith at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Special Meeting of the Western Indiana Workforce Development Board

Scheduled at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Location:  The Hub, second floor large meeting room.  The Hub Is located at

900 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana.  For virtual access contact

Lisa Lee at