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Indiana Career Connect is the #1 source of job openings in the State of Indiana. And best of all - it's FREE! Find a career, close to home that matches your skills and experience or explore training opportunities to help you get the job you want.

Indiana Career Explorer is an easy online tool available to all Hoosiers to explore their career interests and skills. You can identify occupations, establish educational strategies and ultimately connect to employers through

Whether you're an adult looking for a new career or a student trying to figure out career and college options, this powerful online tool provides all the career and educational resources you will need to make it happen for you.

Learn about career interest inventories, the education required for different careers and how to analyze your skills and interests. Learn More Indiana also offers tips on making the most of your education now.

Compare the estimated net price of attendance of Indiana Colleges

Fill out this easy form and you will be one step closer to financing your education! All you need is your financial data and basic academic statistics.

Indiana Career Ready focuses on high-demand, high-wage jobs for today and tomorrow. The INDemand focus will help ensure a long and rewarding career. The demand indicator used is based on a methodology that ranks all Indiana jobs based on future growth and wages. Whether you are searching for your first job, changing jobs, re-entering the workforce or planning a career change make the INDemand Jobs page the cornerstone of your efforts.

CareerOneStop is Your pathway to career success. Tools to help job seekers, students, businesses, and career professionals Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor

My next move is a career counseling site that helps you search for careers based on your skills and interests. It is a great resource for both young people deciding on their first career or adults seeking to change careers.

This site allows you to search for careers based on your past work experience.

The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is designed to help students learn more about themselves and the world of work, identify and explore potentially satisfying occupations, and develop an effective strategy to realize their goals. The program can help you identify your interests, clarify what is important to you, and better understand your skills and abilities.

The U.S. Department of Education's College Navigator will guide you through the process of finding the right college for you. You can search for colleges by types of degrees offered, where they're located, tuition costs, and more. The site contains a wealth of information about each college, including estimated expenses to attend, financial aid, programs/majors, and graduation rates.

This web site provides users with information about various career paths. Whether it is College, Career or Military Service, this site helps you with the information you need to make the best choice for you.

The Youthhood was built to help you plan for the future. Here you can start thinking about what you want to do with the rest of your life. What will you do after high school? Will you work? Go to college? Live in a place of your own? By using this web site, you can plan for your future right now!

Your link to Ivy Tech campuses serving West Central Indiana.

Your link to Vincennes University’s website.

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Special Meeting of the Western Indiana Workforce Development Board

Scheduled at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Location:  The Hub, second floor large meeting room.  The Hub Is located at

900 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana.  For virtual access contact

Lisa Lee at