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News & Notes

On November 18th WorkOne hosted our annual Partner Conference for Region 7.  The conference brings together representatives of local service providers to discuss the previous year and to share updates and information.

The conference is a great opportunity for everyone to network and learn more about the great work being accomplished in our region.  

Ellen Reeves of the United Way kicked off the event with a "smartie" activity.  The activity used smarties candy to represent a typical family income.  Participants had to determine how to best spend their smarties while dealing with additional emergency situations.  The activity drove home the choices that many of our customers have to make every day.

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This year's presenters were:

  • Vocational Rehabilition - Chris Austin
  • Ivy Tech Workforce Development - Sarah Thomas, Charlene Wright
  • WorkOne State Programs - Cindy Lydick
  • WIOA Program - Greg Lee
  • Adult Basic Education and WorkINdiana - Jeff Clutter
  • Employer Services - Brad Trusler, Kelly Shillings PPG Industrial Coatings
  • Communications - Kyla Krieg
  • Hamilton Center - William Little
  • AARP - Rod Vickers
  • United Way - Ellen Reeves
  • The WIOA Vision and System - Lisa Lee

After the presentations, the participants separated into teams and developed ideas for creating the ideal partner system.  The teams then presented their ideas to everyone for discussion.

Thank you to all of the participants in this year's conference and for all that you do for our region!

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Special Meeting of the Western Indiana Workforce Development Board

Scheduled at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Location:  The Hub, second floor large meeting room.  The Hub Is located at

900 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana.  For virtual access contact

Lisa Lee at