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WorkOne Hosts Job Fair for MPS Employees

On Thursday December 5th, WorkOne sponsored a job fair for the employees impacted by the announced closure of Multi Packaging Solutions (MPS) Terre Haute facility. 

The closure impacted 150 local employees.

At the job fair, approximately 75 former MPS employees and their spouses were able to meet with over a dozen local employers with current job openings.  The attendees were also able to meet with WorkOne staff members to learn about additional benefits available to them such as short term training assistance.

Prior to the job fair, WorkOne provided workshops on Resume Creation and Interview skills to help prepare the candidates for event.

These workers have a tremendous amount of experience and skills that employers are looking for.  They have a proven track record of performing in a production environment and have qualities that will make them an asset to their next employer.

Click here to view photos from the event

GED Test Changes in January

New GED Test in 2014

Did you know the current version of the GED test will expire at the end of this year and Indiana will have a new high school equivalency test beginning in 2014? Your scores will expire too if you don’t finish and pass the test before the end of the year. If you have questions about how this will affect you or would like more information about Adult Education classes and other FREE programs, visit,

For information about GED programs in our Region, click here:

JAG Programs Install New Officers

In recent weeks, our JAG students have been busy with the start of the new school year. One of the first tasks each group completes is selecting and installing new officers for their Career Association.

Ceremonies introducing the new officers were held for all of the JAG groups in our region.

The JAG officers play an important role in the leadership of the program. Each Career Association selects the officers/roles that best suit their specific Association.


President- The president is responsible maintaining all Career Association meetings. They manage students, meet with community members, and generate ideas to propel JAG's mission.


Vice President of Leadership - 2nd in command. They act as the president when the president is not available. They act as mentor to all JAG students and assist the president with conducting meetings.


Vice President of Community Service / Service Learning – This individual plans and coordinates community service projects. Often the Vice President of Community Service is also responsible for hosting fund raising events.


Vice President of Social Activities/Civic Awareness - This Individual plans and coordinates all matters regarding press. The student creates press releases, contacts community members, and acts as the press officer for the organization.


Secretary- Maintain a record of minutes from Career Association meetings. They also help the other officers as needed.


Treasurer- Maintain the fiscal records for the Career Association.


Please join us in welcoming this year’s officers

Read more: JAG Programs Install New Officers

JAG News


The recent months have been busy and exciting for our local JAG Students!

The Mayor visits Terre Haute North

Recently Terre Haute Mayor Duke Bennett took time from his day to visit the Terre Haute North JAG Class.

The Class appreciated the Mayor's visit and learned a lot.


Northview Celebrates College Go Week and Homecoming

At Northview, the Hallways were transformed as the JAG Classes participated in College Go Week and Homecoming activities.


College Go Week was developed to help Hoosier students plan on attending College.  The week features activities that help students explore career options, visit local colleges and apply at no charge.

college go week

Read more: JAG News

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Special Meeting of the Western Indiana Workforce Development Board

Scheduled at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Location:  The Hub, second floor large meeting room.  The Hub Is located at

900 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana.  For virtual access contact

Lisa Lee at