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In recent weeks, our JAG students have been busy with the start of the new school year. One of the first tasks each group completes is selecting and installing new officers for their Career Association.

Ceremonies introducing the new officers were held for all of the JAG groups in our region.

The JAG officers play an important role in the leadership of the program. Each Career Association selects the officers/roles that best suit their specific Association.


President- The president is responsible maintaining all Career Association meetings. They manage students, meet with community members, and generate ideas to propel JAG's mission.


Vice President of Leadership - 2nd in command. They act as the president when the president is not available. They act as mentor to all JAG students and assist the president with conducting meetings.


Vice President of Community Service / Service Learning – This individual plans and coordinates community service projects. Often the Vice President of Community Service is also responsible for hosting fund raising events.


Vice President of Social Activities/Civic Awareness - This Individual plans and coordinates all matters regarding press. The student creates press releases, contacts community members, and acts as the press officer for the organization.


Secretary- Maintain a record of minutes from Career Association meetings. They also help the other officers as needed.


Treasurer- Maintain the fiscal records for the Career Association.


Please join us in welcoming this year’s officers

JAG Officers for 2013-2014

Terre Haute South High School

President – Dickie Rollins

VP of Leadership Development – Phoenix Adams

VP of Career Development - Dominque Morefield

VP of Service Learning - Christine Barton

VP of Social Activities - Lilly Howard


Terre Haute North High School

President- Jessie Kennedy

VP Leadership Lashe Dunbar

VP Community Service Leeanna Herrera

VP Social Activities/Civic Awareness Skyler Parkison

Secretary Alexandria Bell

Treasurer Ebony Johnson


Northview High School

President – Lindsay Frye

VP of Leadership Development – Sloan Pierce

VP of Community Service – Cassandra Jarrett

VP of Social Activities / Civic Awareness – Alix Acosta

Secretary – Delaney Coffin


South Vermillion High School

President - Angelika Keller

Vice President - Heather Houser

VP Leadership- Michael Gurney and Jerico Walters

VP Community Service- Austin McElroy

VP Social Activities/Civic Awareness- Rachel Spendal and Kimberlyn Thomas

Secretary- Todd Young

Treasurer- Brianna Stultz


Greencastle High School

President - Anthony Leonard

VP Leadership - John Geiger

VP Community Service - Christian Bethel

VP Social/Civic - Seth Turner

Secretary - Riley Jayne

Treasurer - Austin Manion


South Putnam High School

President: Hannah Ellison

VP Community Service - Angel Nield

Secretary - Mallory Glaze

Treasurer - Tyler Vandermark


Sullivan High School

President- Katiesha Benson

VP Leadership Shyanne Brown

VP Community Service Rheanna Strain

VP Social Activities/Civic Awareness Jamie Eytchison

Secretary Shelby Stewart

Treasurer Shanine Pennington


Gallery of 2013 JAG Officer Installation



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Special Meeting of the Western Indiana Workforce Development Board

Scheduled at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Location:  The Hub, second floor large meeting room.  The Hub Is located at

900 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana.  For virtual access contact

Lisa Lee at