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On Friday April 8th, Ivy Tech Community College hosted a celebration for the most recent group of students completing their CNC Machining Class.

Class Instructor John Ludlow spoke to the group about their achievement and provided guests with an overview of just some of the skills required to be a good machinist.

Machinist have to be able to read blueprints and understand the designers intention.  They need the attention to detail to be able to make precise measurements and the technical skill to program those measurements into their machines.

He also mentioned that each student has achieved at least 4 NIMS (National Institute of Metalworking Skills) credentials that the students had achieved in areas such as:

  • Measurement, Materials & Safety
  • Job Planning, Benchwork and Layout
  • Manual Milling Skills I
  • Grinding Skills I

Manufacturing is continuing to grow and the need for machininists is growing with it.  As Mr Ludlow said, "store shelves would be empty without machinists."

After receiving their certificates, the students gave a tour of their classroom and displayed examples of their projects for their guests.

Since its beginning in 2014, the Ivy Tech CNC program has completed 9 classes.  In total 42 people have completed the program and have earned a total of 181 NIMS Certifications and the majority of graduates have achieved employment in manufacturing.

For information about the next CNC Class and how WorkOne may be able to assist you, please visit your local WorkOne.

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Special Meeting of the Western Indiana Workforce Development Board

Scheduled at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Location:  The Hub, second floor large meeting room.  The Hub Is located at

900 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana.  For virtual access contact

Lisa Lee at