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The Wabash Valley Military Support Organization held its annual Stand Down for homeless veterans on November 19, 2016 at the American Legion Post 104 on Ft. Harrison Road in Terre Haute from 9:00am to 2:00pm.  Organization supporters began at 7:00 am setting up the facility and then the display tables.

Veterans were greeted with coffee, juice, and a hot breakfast.  An Honor Guard from the 181st Intelligence Wing presented our flags, a young lady sang the national anthem, and the Mayor of Terre Haute, Duke Bennett, proclaimed November 19, 2016 as Terre Haute's Stand Down for Homeless Veterans Day.


30+ vendors offered their services to the Veterans with homeless Veterans receiving a backpack filled with survival supplies and a cell phone.  Veterans were asked to participate in various activities and were presented with food, winter clothing, personal hygiene products, mental and physical health screenings, and haircuts.  In addition, Community and VA resources were available to service members, veterans and their families.

Veterans and participants were invited to feast on spaghetti and bread for lunch.  The Stand Down concluded at 2:00pm and Organization supporters and other volunteers moved chairs and tables back into the bingo hall.  Activities concluded at 2:30pm.

Thank you to all of the WorkOne Staff and other partipants for supporting our Veterans and making this year's event a success.

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Special Meeting of the Western Indiana Workforce Development Board

Scheduled at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Location:  The Hub, second floor large meeting room.  The Hub Is located at

900 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana.  For virtual access contact

Lisa Lee at