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Disability Awareness Month

Cloverdale JAG continued its month long initiative to promote disability awareness in the Cloverdale High School community by focusing on inclusion and the understanding of the experience of those with mobility challenges.  During SRT period, members of Cloverdale JAG presented poster boards and activities informing the community of the incidence, prognosis and adaptations of those with facing ambulatory difficulties.  In particular, a selected student experienced a day in a wheelchair; which entailed having to use sliding boards, using alternative routes to destinations, and learning how to raise the chair off of two legs (pop-a-wheelie) to move up to raised surfaces.  Members of the school community learned to adapt the game of tennis for the those that require the use of the wheelchair, while others participated in an inclusive game of baseball, one in which the mobility challenged teammate pitched the entire game and was granted a "designated fielder" similar to the traditional application of the "designated hitter".


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Terre Haute North Assists with Easter Egg Hunt

North JAG Students participated in the CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates)  and Remnant Christian Church community wide Easter egg hunt again this year.  On April 8th three students met at the church with several other community groups and worked as one big team to stuff 23,000 eggs.  Those eggs were brought to the school and carefully laid out on the football field March 30th.  JAG students noticed that several eggs needed inspection and repair before being set out on the field.   All of the volunteers helped carry equipment and supplies to designated areas.   The JAG students pitched in and helped as directed.  Booths were set up and JAG students prepared their area for attendee’s entertainment.  Assignments were given to each student.  JAG students helped man one of the bouncy slides, a fish bowl game, and three other table game areas.  One JAG student even assisted with bathroom detail.  Part of that detail work was to make sure this area remained safe for the children.  After the event JAG students assisted with tear down and trash clean up.  We worked from 7:30 am to 1:45 pm.  At the end of the event we were tired but glad to serve our community at such a great event.

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Special Meeting of the Western Indiana Workforce Development Board

Scheduled at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Location:  The Hub, second floor large meeting room.  The Hub Is located at

900 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana.  For virtual access contact

Lisa Lee at