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“It’s going great! I love it! I am so happy you suggested it to me. I would do it again if I could.” - Bree Wheeler

“The camp is going great. I’m really learning about the body and objects with surgery.” – Ryan Lumsdon

Those comments were from two local students who attended the Medical Careers Health Camp this summer. Held at the Landsbaum Center for Health Eduction in Terre Haute, the students learned about wide range of medical topics. The students discussed and participated in CPR, RHIC Simulation Center hands-on learning, Union Hospital Tour, job shadowing inquiries, cadaver lab, Tai Chi, career profile, community engagement project, EMT/Paramedic demo, nursing skills, suturing skills, healthy cooking, culminating project, job interviewing and resume writing. Speakers provide information on careers in Social Work, Dietetics, Gerontology, Health Science, Physical Therapy, and Nursing. The group also had a visit from the Edgar County EMS to learn about first responders.

But Health Care wasn’t the only camp available this summer. WorkOne sponsored camps that helped students explore career opportunities in numerous fields.

At the Entrepreneurship Camps, held in Sullivan and Terre Haute, students learned about marketing a product. Topics included, Business Ettiquette, How to select a product, measuring success and financial concerns.  The students met several guest speakers as well as taking several tours of local businesses.  At the end of the camp, they even got to make a product pitch to local community leaders, including Sullivan Mayor Clint Lamb.

In addition to their “pitches”, students also became Google Mobile Site certified. The Mobile Sites certification is a professional accreditation that Google offers to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in basic and advanced aspects of mobile website design and development. A Mobile Sites certification allows individuals to demonstrate that Google recognizes them as an expert in mobile sites.  The top finishers at the Terre Haute Camp were:

  • 1st - Cheyenne Cox
  • 2nd - Carina Elder
  • 3rd - Mari Gonzalez.



Many of us know how to use computer software, but do we really know what the actual computer is made of? The students at this year’s IC3 (Internet Core Computing Ceritification) camp got to learn about the inner workings of computers. The IC3 Camp, students built their own laptop. Students learned to assemble their laptop and install necessary software. At the end of the camp, the students had fully functional laptop to use.

Manufacturing continues to be a large part of our Region’s economy. So once again, WorkOne sponsored a CNC Machining camp at Ivy Tech Corporate College. The students were able to learn about the basic set up of CNC machines. Students ran operated the machine to create finished part as well as earning their first NIMS (National Institute of Metalworking Skills) credential.

Congratulations to all of the students who attended the camps.
Thank you to all of the community partners who assisted in making the camps a success.

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Special Meeting of the Western Indiana Workforce Development Board

Scheduled at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Location:  The Hub, second floor large meeting room.  The Hub Is located at

900 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana.  For virtual access contact

Lisa Lee at