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Classroom to Careers

An initiative to promote and increase the number of advanced technology jobs in Western Indiana is now underway through a partnership of area manufacturers, Area 30 Career Center, Twin Rivers CTE Area, Parke-Vermillion Education and Training Interlocal, Region 35 CTE District - Clay Community Schools and the Vigo County School Corporation, Ivy Tech Community College, and the Western Indiana Workforce Investment Board, Inc.

The Classroom to Careers Initiative (C2C) goals include: -The establishment of a regional talent pipeline -Development of a formal mechanism to increase industry-education partnerships in dealing with workforce skill gaps -Outreach efforts to build awareness and interest in advanced technology careers C2C is supported through an Indiana Education and Workforce and Innovation Network (EWIN) regional grant, and financial support from the Western Indiana Workforce Investment Board, Inc., with the effort focused in the Western Indiana counties of Clay, Parke, Putnam, Sullivan, Vermillion and Vigo.

The effort is to expand career pathways for the region's students, linking them to training for skills critically needed by area manufacturers. This collaboration should greatly assist the area's advanced manufacturers by providing them with an increased number of skilled workers; while at the same time, providing good paying jobs within the region for local graduates.

"Advanced manufacturing is a key driver of the economy of western Indiana. It is critical that we have the public - private partnerships in place now to effectively address the need for skilled production - primarily middle-skilled workers," said Steve Witt, President of the Terre Haute Economic Development Corporation. "Studies show that this need will continue into 2033, driven by both new job openings and projected retirements. C2C holds the strategies to move our region forward to effectively meet this challenge."

The outreach effort to increase awareness now includes an electronic newsletter, N.E.A.T., (New and Emerging Automation & Technology) which is aimed at students, educators, parents, and manufacturers, providing highlights of career opportunities in the region. (Link to the site )

Terre Haute North JAG Celebrates the Easter Season by Serving Others

This spring has been a busy time for our Terre Haute North JAG Students.

As the end of the school year rapidly approaches, it would be easy for students to focus on final exams and summer. But at Terre Haute North, the JAG Students took time to think about others during the Easter Holiday.


Previously, the Students had partnered with CODA to provide them with blankets to be given as gifts. For this Easter, the Students put together and donated nine full Easter Baskets to CODA.

“The mission of the Council on Domestic Abuse, Inc. is the elimination of domestic violence and sexual assault through societal change and the empowerment of abused individuals and their minor children”.



Springhill Nursing Home

JAG Student Brittney Maxwell previously worked at Springhill Nursing Home and knew that Easter can be a lonely time for the residents. So this spring, the JAG students created 100 Easter Pictures that Brittney delivered and brightened the day of the residents.


Team Building

In addition to their community service projects, the Terre Haute North JAG students participated in team building exercises. The group had to work together to build a structure.


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Local Students Recognized at JAG State Finals

JAG Program assists high school students with earning diploma, achieving employabiltiy skills

INDIANAPOLIS (March 20, 2014) – Dominque Morefield from Terre Haute South High School and Zach Wagle from Northview High School were recognized at the 2014 Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) Career Development Conference, the final state competition that challenges participants to demonstrate employability skills that took place on Friday, March 14, at Ivy Tech’s main campus near downtown Indianapolis.

Students competing in the state finals earned their spot by placing in one of the twelve regional competitions. The top students from regional conference competitions advanced to the state finals. There were nine competitions at the state finals with nine to 16 students competing in each contest. The competitions included job interviews, writing skills, creative thinking, career presentations, public speaking and creative solutions.

Dominque Morefield, Terre Haute South High School, First Place, Writing Skills.

Zach Wagle, Northview High School, Second Place, Creative Solutions.

JAG is a state-based national non-profit organization dedicated to reconnecting at risk students academically by helping them overcome barriers to graduation. Since 2006, the Indiana JAG program has helped more than 9,000 Hoosier students to stay in school through graduation, pursue post-secondary education and secure quality entry-level jobs leading to career advancement opportunities.

Currently, more than 4,500 students participate in JAG through 105 programs located within 100 schools throughout Indiana. Students are taught up to 88 competencies, such as critical thinking, team leadership and effective communications skills that will increase their marketability to employers.

JAG students receive adult mentoring while in school and one year of follow-up counseling after graduation. Indiana’s program graduates more than 91 percent of participants and many students choose to continue their education after high school. The JAG program is funded through grants provided by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development.

If you would like to learn more about the Indiana JAG program visit

Dominque Morefield with Commissioner Scott Sanders


Zach Wagle with Commissioner Scott Sanders


JAG 2014 Career Development Conference

On Friday January 31, 107 local JAG students from our Region 7 JAG Programs met on the campus of Ivy Tech in Terre Haute for the 3rd annual Career Development Conference.

crowd view

The conference consisted of competitions that gave the students the opportunity to demonstrate the skills they are learning as part of the JAG curriculum.

Students were provided lunch as well as a tour of Ivy Tech.  Representatives from Ivy Tech Community College and Vincennes University also spoke to the students about the programs available at their respective schools.


First place in each competition will move on to represent our Region in the State JAG Conference in March.

Competition Results:

Writing Skills

  1. Dominque Morefield – Terre Haute South High School
  2. Hannah Elison – Greencastle High School
  3. Amber Ramsey – Terre Haute North High School

Employability Skills

  1. Lindsay Frye – Northview High School
  2. Leeanna Herrera – Terre Haute North High School
  3. Shyanne Brown – Sullivan High School

Public Speaking

  1. Shanine Pennington – Sullivan High School
  2. Katiesha Benson – Sullivan High School
  3. Alexandria Bell – Terre Haute North High School

Career Presentation

  1. Jessie Kennedy – Terre Haute North High School
  2. Angel Nield – South Putnam High School
  3. Cassandria Arnold – Northview High School

Critical Thinking

  1. Cordell Majors – Terre Haute South High School
  2. Kane Porter – Terre Haute South High School
  3. Courtney Branson – Northview High School

Creative Solutions

  1. Zach Wagle – Northview High School
  2. Michael Hensler – Sullivan High School
  3. Dakota York – Turkey Run High School

Financial Literacy

  1. Kate Stark – Sullivan High School
  2. Tidy Weese – Northview High School
  3. Robin Cundiff – Terre Haute South

Other Awards:

Chapter Banner: Sullivan Career Association

Service Learning Binder: Northview Career Association

Cover Design: Keeley Brown Sullivan High School

Outstanding Senior: Katiesha Benson – Sullivan High School

Congratulations to all of this year’s competitors and good luck to those moving on to the State Competition!

Click here to view photos from this year's event

More information can be viewed at:




JAG Holiday Service Projects

This holiday season several of our local JAG Students gave back to the community through service projects.

CODA Blankets

As stated on the CODA Terre Haute website, “The mission of the Council on Domestic Abuse, Inc. is the elimination of domestic violence and sexual assault through societal change and the empowerment of abused individuals and their minor children”.

Recently, CODA Director, Lorrie Kelley visited the Terre Haute North JAG Class. The students learned about the work this agency does, the training necessary to work at CODA, some of the tasks involved in working with CODA, and the risks involved with helping these families. They learned that they offer volunteer and internship opportunities as well.  In order to become a volunteer at CODA, a person must go through a 12 hour crisis management training.  At least two students are planning on doing this training and hope to work as volunteers at CODA. 

The JAG class also learned that there was a huge need for Christmas gifts. To help these clients during this winter season, the class decided to purchase items to be used as gifts. In addition to the items purchased, the students also purchased materials to make hand-made blankets. The students wrapped these blankets and other items to be given as gifts to CODA.

For more information about CODA, please visit :

12 Trees of Christmas

The Northview JAG Students took the phrase, the 12 Days of Christmas and put their own spin on it. The Students decided to give back this year by selecting a family from each of the 12 schools, Elementary, Junior High and High School, in Clay County and providing them with a Christmas tree for the holidays.

The students contacted sponsors for donations. Wagoner Tree Farm in Greencastle donated several of the trees. Ornaments and lights were also collected to decorate the trees.

Before the Christmas holiday the students delivered the trees, lights, decorations, stockings, and gloves to needy families in Clay Community Schools.

"The parents and children have been extremely thankful. It has been a heartwarming experience for everyone involved.  I’m extremely proud of all my JAG students for coming up with such a wonderful community service project and I am thankful beyond words for the support all of you given them".  Dana Bottomly Northview High School JAG Specialist

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JAG Service Project - Light House Mission

An important part of the JAG curriculum is community service.

Recently, JAG students from Terre Haute North High School and Northview High School spent time serving members of our community.  In this project, Students spent time assisting the Light House Mission in Terre Haute. 

Terre Haute North JAG Members volunteered to help serve meals and assisted the Light House Mission Staff.

Students from the Northview JAG association helped the Light House Mission prepare Thanksgiving baskets for families in our community.  With the help of our JAG students, the Light House Mission was able to provide over 550 Thanksgiving baskets.  The baskets were distributed to families across the Terre Haute area.

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JAG Programs Install New Officers

In recent weeks, our JAG students have been busy with the start of the new school year. One of the first tasks each group completes is selecting and installing new officers for their Career Association.

Ceremonies introducing the new officers were held for all of the JAG groups in our region.

The JAG officers play an important role in the leadership of the program. Each Career Association selects the officers/roles that best suit their specific Association.


President- The president is responsible maintaining all Career Association meetings. They manage students, meet with community members, and generate ideas to propel JAG's mission.


Vice President of Leadership - 2nd in command. They act as the president when the president is not available. They act as mentor to all JAG students and assist the president with conducting meetings.


Vice President of Community Service / Service Learning – This individual plans and coordinates community service projects. Often the Vice President of Community Service is also responsible for hosting fund raising events.


Vice President of Social Activities/Civic Awareness - This Individual plans and coordinates all matters regarding press. The student creates press releases, contacts community members, and acts as the press officer for the organization.


Secretary- Maintain a record of minutes from Career Association meetings. They also help the other officers as needed.


Treasurer- Maintain the fiscal records for the Career Association.


Please join us in welcoming this year’s officers

Read more: JAG Programs Install New Officers

JAG News


The recent months have been busy and exciting for our local JAG Students!

The Mayor visits Terre Haute North

Recently Terre Haute Mayor Duke Bennett took time from his day to visit the Terre Haute North JAG Class.

The Class appreciated the Mayor's visit and learned a lot.


Northview Celebrates College Go Week and Homecoming

At Northview, the Hallways were transformed as the JAG Classes participated in College Go Week and Homecoming activities.


College Go Week was developed to help Hoosier students plan on attending College.  The week features activities that help students explore career options, visit local colleges and apply at no charge.

college go week

Read more: JAG News

South Vermillion College and Career Fair

Recently, WorkOne participated in the South Vermillion High School College and Career Fair.

We provided students with information about:

  • The JAG program
  • Current job opportunities
  • Current short term training opportunities such as CNC machining and Welding
  • Other WorkOne services

Students were given the opportunity to schedule indvidual time with representatives from WorkOne, the Armed Forces, local area Colleges and local financial service providers.

Click Here to view the complete gallery

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Special Meeting of the Western Indiana Workforce Development Board

Scheduled at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Location:  The Hub, second floor large meeting room.  The Hub Is located at

900 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana.  For virtual access contact

Lisa Lee at