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JAG Students Assist Light House Mission

This Thanksgiving season, members of the Terre Haute North JAG class took time during their holiday break to volunteer at the Light house Mission.

 The Light House Mission was established in 1890 to serve the needs of transient and needy local people in Terre Haute, Indiana, and has served in this capacity to the present time. In 1935, it was recognized as a not-for-profit organization by the state of Indiana. It has expanded its range and geographic scope of services to include 19 counties in West Central Indiana and East Central Illinois. As these counties form some of the poorest localities in the two states, the Mission has seen a significant increase in the number of indigent and homeless in the last few years. The Mission accepts all who need assistance and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national or ethical origin, age, physical disability, or medical condition.

The students helped serve meals as well as assisting with washing dishes, etc.

 Well done Terre Haute North JAG!




2015 WorkOne Partner Conference

On November 20, WorkOne hosted it's annual Partner Conference.

The Partner Conference brought together over 50 representatives of local service providers.  The conference gave attendees the opportunity to network with other agencies in the area.

The presenters gave attendees updates on the successes of their programs as well as information about any upcoming changes.

This year's presenters were:

  • Experience Works
  • The Hamilton Center
  • United Way of the Wabash Valley
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Adult Basic Education
  • Ivy Tech Community College
  • WorkOne
  • Vincennes University


In addition to the presenters, the attendees participated in a break out session.  The theme of the break out session was Youth Engagement.  The groups worked together on developing ideas to increase Youth Awareness and Engagement in the various services provided.  Many great ideas were captured and shared with the entire group!

Thank you to all of the Partners who attended this year's conference.

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2015 Sullivan Employment Expo

WorkOne recently participated in the first annual Sullivan Employment Expo.

The Expo was hosted in partnership with Sullivan Mayor Clint Lamb and Vincennes Mayor Joe Yochum at the newly opened Sullivan Civic Center.

WorkOne assisted in recruiting employers from Clay, Knox, Sullivan and Vigo Counties to participate in the event.

Over 20 employers attended and were able to discuss job openings with the over 100 job seekers who visited the expo.

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Media Coverage:


2015 Manufacturing Day

On Friday, October 2nd, Middle and High School Guidance Counselors from throughout Region 7, Workone Employment Advisors, representatives from Ivy Tech as well as other regional dignitaries participated in Manufacturing Day 2015.  Established in 2011, National Manufacturing Day is held annually on the first Friday in October.  As noted on the Manufacturing Day website, "Manufacturing Day℠ is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers."   

The day began at Bemis with a Manufacturing Day Proclamation by Terre Haute Mayor Duke Bennett.  The Bemis staff welcomed guests with an overview of their company and then provided a tour of their facility where they produce plastic film.

The group then traveled to Novelis where they enjoyed lunch and a presentation by Novelis and a tour of their facility and how they manufacture aluminum for various industries.  Conexus provided an overview of logistics in Indiana which includes waterways, roads, rail and air transportation.

The last stop of the day was at Taghleef.  During the tour and presentation, the group learned about the different types of plastics that Taghleef manufactures.

At each manufacturer, in addition to learning about the manufacturers specific product, the Counselors learned some common themes in modern manufacturing: 

Safety - Each presentation began with the importance of safety in manufacturing.  

Recycling - All of the facilities highlighted how they reduce waste and cost through recycling.

Technical Skills - These manufacturers need workers with technical skills to monitor the various processes and make adjustments when needed.

Teamwork - Many manufacturers such as the ones visited utilize team concepts to operate their facilities.  Successful teams depend on having members who are able to work together to solve problems.

Everyone learned a great deal about local manufacturing opportunities that they will be able to share with their students and clients.

Thank you to everyone who made Manufacturing Day 2015 a huge success!

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News Coverage: 



Americas Best Communities Competition

Closing the skills gap

America’s Best Communities effort hopes to accentuate workforce fitness

By Howard Greninger
Community and business officials hope they can demonstrate that Terre Haute is “Workforce FIT” as they plan for a second-round entry into the $10 million America’s Best Communities competition.

Workforce FIT, with a logo designed by Brian Miller, is the focus of Terre Haute’s entry to increase workforce development to close a local skills gap and bolster Terre Haute’s economy. A group of nearly 40 community leaders met Wednesday at The Ohio Building and began brainstorming on six concepts that include a boot camp, training, community image, entrepreneurial activity, leadership development and community engagement.

“Many manufacturing executives cite workforce concerns as the leading factor that determines where they can be competitive,” said Lisa Lee, executive director of WorkOne Western Indiana.

“Nearly half of the new jobs are considered middle-skill jobs,” Lee said, which require an associated degree or certificate.

“The skills gap is here now,” Lee said. “More than half of the new jobs are considered mid-skill jobs, so what is happening now is people are being shut out of the workforce because they don’t have those mid skills. We have a bad unemployment rate, but yet we have employers say­

Tribune-Star/Joseph C. Garza

Improving our self-image: Doug Dillion, career and technical education director for the Vigo County School Corp.,

talks about ideas his small group came up with to help improve the image of the community, internally and externally,

during a planning conference for the Frontier America’s Best Communities contest on Wednesday at the Ohio Building.

Tribune Star file photo/Joseph C. Garza

Making our technological future brighter: Indiana Gov. Mike Pence tells Terre Haute North Vigo High School students

on Jan. 27 that they can achieve their educational goals if they put their mind to it and their heart in it a press conference at North. 


Fit: Competition also has a social media component on Twitter and Facebook

Terre Haute is a quarter-finalist in the competition launched last year, aimed at revitalizing the economies of small to medium towns and cities. The competition, sponsored by Frontier Communications, DISH Network, The Weather Channel and CoBank, started with 350 communities and has been narrowed to 50.

Marc Evans, Frontier southwest regional general manager, said because more than 50 additional companies have since joined as sponsors of the competition, quarter- finalists now have a mentoring company. For example NBC Universal is mentoring for the city of Jasper, while AT&T is the mentoring company for Terre Haute.

“So, Terre Haute has $65,000 total to implement its plan, as they get $15,000 from the mentor company, $35,000 from the competition,” and $15,000 from a required match for the city. Western Indiana Workforce Development Board paid the city’s match, Lee said.

Yet Terre Haute leaders are working to get more than that.

The next stage — with entries due on Nov. 6 and judging done early next year — will reduce 50 communities to 15, with eight of those winning $100,000, Evans said, to move to the final stage.

Winners in the second stage will then work on their final plans throughout 2016. In April 2017, America’s Best Communities will name its three competition winners — with first place to receive $3 million, $2 million for second and $1 million for third, to implement their plans.

The competition, Lee said, has themes each month, and this month’s theme is revitalization and includes making videos that demonstrate work being done to revitalize the community. “Terre Haute certainly has a lot of examples of revitalization,” Lee said.

“This is a competition and we need your help drawing attention and support,” Lee said, especially in social media. Terre Haute’s effort is on Twitter at #1terrehaute and on the Web at terrehauteamericasbest. org and on Facebook at terrehaute americasbest. America’s Best is competition on Twitter at #ABC50.

“The more people we get visiting Facebook and posting on there, the better we will be,” Miller said.

Before the planning effort, Mayor Duke Bennett said Workforce FIT “will benefit the people of our community, with people who need fitness to get their job skills up to where they need to be and will benefit our local employers. This will help set Terre Haute apart that we have a system in place to help people progress, increase their wages and deliver these people to the employers who need these skilled and high skilled jobs. It fits between a lot of programs that already exist and things that don’t exist, so it fills that gap. It is very exciting proposal for our community,” Bennett said.

While addressing the group, Bennett said workforce development will be an ongoing effort. “But, if we don’t do something different, we will not be able to meet that need,” he said In a breakout brainstorm session on training, Andy Volkl with Thyssenkrupp Presta Terre Haute LLC, suggested that businesses join together as a single training group. Businesses would have to commit and join to lead skill training. Any business involved would then reap skilled labor. The group would have to identify a category of skills needed by participating companies, and participants would have to be shown that training can lead to employment, Volkl suggested.

That a pool of skilled workers is being maintained can also be shown to any new potential employer, he said.

Lee said the community’s current effort to develop a workforce plan “is a living document, and the goals have been updated a couple of times already,” she said. “We are working in groups to establish the framework.”

Reporter Howard Greninger can be reached 812-231-4204 or howard. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow on Twitter@TribStarHoward.

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Special Meeting of the Western Indiana Workforce Development Board

Scheduled at 8:30 AM on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Location:  The Hub, second floor large meeting room.  The Hub Is located at

900 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, Indiana.  For virtual access contact

Lisa Lee at